Leeds Student Lettings Tenancy agreement Form
Moving to new city can be daunting. But what about moving to a whole new country.
Have a long walk around Leeds you’ll see what’s available for you. Whenever you have only moved, you want to learn your way round. You’ve to develop that familiarity with the roads you will be drifting past daily, find the shortest and most economical way home. When you walk across those roads you may end up bumping into familiar faces that are your neighbors or even your path mates or anybody that you may have interacted with.
Contact Home
Aside from making yourself comfortable on your lodging, it’s Also important to get in touch with your own parents and friends. We’re blessed Inside this creation to enjoy the liberty of this internet and the Creation of calls.
Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate your preferences, no guarantee can be given regarding the room, location or type of fellow residents.
The Management company reserves the right to cancel this booking if the applicant does not adhere to any of the following terms:
Pay advance rent payment of £200**;
Sign booking form;
Provide copy of Student Card; Meet the Rent payments schedule above.
This email request forms part of the Tenancy Agreement.